


the idea of this article is not stimulated by the reading article
actually it is being written after i read an news article
the tiger mum said that it is better to sacrifice the daughter's leisure time now in order to have greater freedom in the future
um...i don't know why she will have greater freedom in the future, just because of the superiority she has?
is it good to have a definition of success for a child?
the definition of success is different to everyone!
just because success means money, job, study, degree...
so many of us get lost and can't find our identity!
OK when you really get 10A ,a degree, a good job and a good salary
you finally turn out to be a moneymaker?
if a child hopes to be a clown, tiger mum won't let he be...why?
how absurd it is that the child can't ask why!
one of the rule of the child of tiger mums is YOU CAN NEVER JOIN DRAMA CLUB, AND YOU CANNOT ASK WHY!
oh my goodness...
i was a happy child and i could choose to study or not
if someone forces me, i do really hate him and just do what he don't like!
because...i am who i am 
to study or not, it is not your matter 
YA~i think i must be killed if i am the child of the tiger mum

i deemed that i will never write any ENG after the DSE....HA
but i do love ENG, even my ENG is POOR :)
OK so do not judge my article 
how courageous am i to post an ENG article which will be read by YTS!!!

